Healthcare Warriors

Board Member Zachary Parinello delivering crates at local hospitals in metro Detroit.

Board Member Zachary Parinello delivering crates at local hospitals in metro Detroit.

Cities are shut down, hospitals are running out of beds, businesses are struggling to stay afloat, major life events and plans are put on hold. In fact, it seems as if the whole word has been put on hold. However, Americans have juxtaposed every set back with a comeback. People are social distancing to slow the spread and help their fellow citizens at risk, hospitals are being built overnight by Soldiers, people are supporting their local small businesses, and health care professionals are coming out of retirement to risk their lives so that others may have a chance to live theirs. Nurses are singing worship songs that echo hope throughout the hallways, families are having drive-by birthday parties for the young and the old. Every time COVID-19 kicks America down, America picks back up, using that set back to fuel the fire with more passion than ever to take down this virus. This virus has devastated this country, but it has also inspired the resurrection of humanity, of looking out for one another, and proving cliché’s true in that life is short and should not be taken for granted. At SWF, we wanted to give something back to the health care heroes that have stepped up to fight this virus on the front lines, to those who are risking their lives and well-being for something bigger than themselves. This past week we partnered with Mission Barbeque to make food and face shield donations at nine local hospitals throughout southeast Michigan. Overall we delivered 560 face shields to help serve those that are serving our country. We salute all of the health care heroes working day and night to take down this virus and want them to know that they are forever, strong warriors.

Please watch our COVID-19 Stronger Warrior Campaign video on our website and enjoy some of the photos we captured during our deliveries to our health care heroes. Thank you and stay safe!

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Maintaining Mental Health During Social Distancing